To open festivities, we will start August with the Presale of Mantris Premium Packs, following the final Airdrop of Mantris Card Shards.
But it is just the beginning! We are also excited to specify an existing effect of the Mint Pass and unveil a new one.
We would also like to inform you that the activation fees for your Trisel cards will only be effective upon the launch of the Mantris season. However, we recommend that you make the necessary arrangements to ensure compliance by using official channels such as the marketplace for any exchanges.
This article is full of crucial information, presented as clearly as possible and accompanied by visuals that you can share to expand the Cross The Ages family.
We wish you an excellent reading.
The Cross The Ages Team
Remember that the 5th effect of the Mint Pass bring you a big advantage in your CTA adventure, as it grants you Presale Tickets that allow you to purchase Premium Packs for upcoming seasons.
Regarding that, we are excited to reveal that it will offer you the incredible opportunity to halve the cost of Premium Packs for all future seasons.
Let's see the example of the Packs from Mantris season 2, which are initially announced at $100 / $250 / $500.
Thanks to your Presale Ticket coming from the Mint Pass, you will be able to get these packs with a 50% discount, i.e., $50 / $125 / $250. Presale Tickets are NFTs, making them an excellent way to invite your friends or community to jump into CTA at a reduced cost or simply resell them to allow another player to enjoy this 50% discount.
Reminder: Without a ticket, you cannot purchase presale packs for seasons at a discounted price.
Get ready to live an unforgettable gaming experience and discover the treasures contained in the Premium Packs of future seasons!
The 7th effect of the Mint Pass will allow you to have an immersive and privileged experience during physical events, where you can meet other passionate players and enjoy specific benefits. Whether it's encounters with content creators, demonstrations, or special gifts, the VIP areas of your MINT PASS will offer you memorable moments that you won't forget.
Stay tuned for further announcements!
The final Airdrop of Mantris Card Shards will be on July 26th, 2023.
Note: This date updates the previous announcement and means that the total Shards airdropped has changed as initially announced in our media (Wiki/Medium), but the supply of Special Color Cards remains the same.
You will have to wait until the launch of the Mantris season to discover the special color cards based on the number of Shards you have collected.
You will need to use your GAME WALLET to obtain your card, so make sure to gather all your Shards on your GAME WALLET before claiming your Special Color Card.
You will be able to trade the Special Color Cards whenever you want, the Mantris Card Shards have no lifetime limit.
To be eligible for the snapshot of Mantris Presale Tickets, you simply need to keep your Mint Pass securely in one of your wallets.
Snapshot of Mantris Presale Tickets: August 3rd, 2023, 8am UTC.
On this date, a snapshot will be taken to determine the eligible ticket holders.Mantris Presale Ticket Airdrop: August 3rd, 2023, 8am UTC.
Airdrop will go in the same address used for your MINT PASS.
If you purchase and open a Premium Pack of Season 1 Arkhante after August 3rd, 2023, 8am UTC, you will receive a ticket corresponding to the color of the pack. This ticket will allow you to enjoy the discount to mint the Premium Pack of the Season 2 Mantris.
Warning: If you purchase a Mint Pass on the marketplace after August 3rd, 2023, 8am UTC, you will not receive any Mantris Presale Tickets!
Let's check which Presale Ticket you will get according your mint pass:
• 1 Red Mint Pass = 1 GREEK Presale Ticket
• 1 Green Mint Pass = 1 VORANTH Presale Ticket
• 1 Blue Mint Pass = 1 CHAKA Presale Ticket
• 1 Legacy Mint Pass = 3 Presale Tickets (1 GREEK + 1 VORANTH + 1 CHAKA)
• 1 Golden Mint Pass = 1 Golden CHAKA Presale Ticket
• 1 Golden Legacy Mint Pass = 3 CHAKA Golden Presale Tickets
Mantris Pack Presale:
• Start: August 4th, 2023, 4pm UTC. First come first served!
• End: September 29th, 2023, 4pm UTC. After this date, your Mantris Presale Tickets will no longer be usable.
Here some important details:
• You can open your Mantris Season 2 packs from October 4.
• Season 2 Mantris packs will be sold exclusively on the CTA ACCOUNT using Prana, the in-game currency.
• You can purchase as many packs from Season 2 as you want on the same account, just to be sure to have the corresponding number of tickets and the required amount in Prana.
• You can open as many Mantris Packs as you want on the same account.
• With your Mantris Presale Ticket (GREEK/VORANTH/CHAKA/CHAKA Golden), you can only purchase the pack that matches its color at a discounted price. For example, if you have a CHAKA Mantris Presale Ticket, you can exclusively buy a CHAKA Mantris Pack.
• If you wish, you can immediately list your Season 2 Mantris pack on the Marketplace for saling.
• Card numbering only happens when the pack is opened. Therefore, not all your cards will have the pack number but will have the latest available numbers.
• There will be a total of 20,000 Season 2 Mantris Packs available for sale. The final number of packs in circulation will be known at the end of the presale on September 29th at 4pm UTC.
• Each week, a total of 2,500 packs will be added to the current stock, regardless of the pack type. Your purchases will, therefore, determine the final supply of each pack:1️⃣ :
2,500 packs on August 4th, 4 pm UTC
2️⃣ :2,500 packs on August 11, 5pm UTC
3️⃣ : 2,150 packs on August 18 5pm UTC
4️⃣ : 2,500 packs on August 25 5pm UTC
5️⃣ : 2,500 packs on September 1st 5pm UTC
6️⃣ : 2 500 packs on september 8 5pm UTC
7️⃣ : 2,500 packs on September 15 Time to be confirmed
8️⃣ : 2,500 packs on September 22 Time to be confirmedThis means that if the pool of available packs on August 4th is empty, you will have to wait for the restocking of the next 2,500 packs on August 11, 2023, and so on.
The Presale will be directly to the CTA account (
A new category will be created to the Presale Mantris Premium Pack event.
The process is simple:
1/ Make sure you have the required amount of PRANA on your account, corresponding to the pack price, as well as your Mantris Presale Ticket on your GAME WALLET.
2/ During the purchase, the corresponding amount of PRANA will be deducted from your account. You will then need to validate the burn of your Mantris Presale Ticket using the GAME WALLET.
3/ Once these steps are completed, you will receive your Mantris Pack directly on your GAME WALLET.
Please follow these steps carefully to ensure a smooth experience during the purchase of your Mantris pack.
During the Mantris season, only $3 boosters will be available for sale (one by one or by a desired batches), unlike the Arkhante season (no more of Neo/Omega, Super chests, etc.).
The card drop rates in the boosters will be communicated later.
There will be 3 booster series:
- The Permanent Serie
- The Mythic Series, total of 6, highlighting one of the 6 Mythic Cards of the season for 1 month.
- The Event Series, total of 7, during the respective event (event duration 3 weeks).
In the shop, you will find the standard booster of the Mantris collection, which will gradually integrate the 6 Mythic series. Once the Mythic serie ended, rthe only way to get the Mythic is by buying the Permanent Serie.
The Permanent Serie will come after 3 months and will offer the 2 first Mythics, and will propose every month a new Mytjic up to the end of the season.
In the third month, you will have the opportunity to get the first and the second Mythic cards in this booster. Mythic #3 will be reserved and ongoing in Mythic serie #3.
In the fourth month, you will have the opportunity to get Mythic card #1 / #2 and #3 only in this booster. Mythic #4 will be reserved and ongoing in Mythic serie #4.
And so on...
For 1 month, the Mythic banner will showcase one of the 6 Mantris Mythic cards. If you purchase this pack and have the chance to get a Mythic card inside, it will definitely be the one featured on the banner.
Once a Mythic banner is finished, the only way to get this Mythic card is through the permanent collection.
During an event, the event banner will showcase the Exclusive cards of the ongoing event. If you purchase this pack and have the chance to get an Exclusive card inside, it will be the ones featured for the event. Exclusive events cards will not be available in the Permanent serie.
Price with GREEK ticket: 3,450 Prana
Public prices: 6,900 PranaPack Content:
• 15 STANDARD cards within 10% CHANCE FOIL:
- 11 Common to Rare cards
- 1 Field
- 2 Ultra Rares
- 1 Mythic
- 1 Field
- 1 Ultra Rare or Mythic Random card
• 1 Field Alternative Random card (10% chance foil and 1% Grade S)
• 1 Ultra Rare Alternative Random card (10% chance foil and 1% Grade S)
• 1 Random Exclusive GREEK card (random between Standard and Alternative version within 10% chance Foil and 1% Garde S)
Price with VORANTH ticket: 8,625 Prana
Public prices: 17,250 PranaPack Content :
• 33 STANDARD cards within 10% CHANCE FOIL:
- 21 Common to Rare cards
- 3 Fields
- 6 Ultra Rares
- 3 Mythics
- 1 Field
- 2 Ultra Rare and/or Mythic Random cards
• 1 Field Alternative Random card (10% chance Foil and 1% Garde S)
• 2 Ultra Rare Alternative Random cards (10% chance Foil and 1% Garde S)
• 1 Random Exclusive VORANTH card (random between Standard and Alternative version within 10% chance Foil and 1% Grade S)
Price with CHAKA ticket: 17,250 Prana
Public prices: 34,500 PranaPack content :
• 66 STANDARD cards within 10% CHANCE FOIL:
- 41 Common to Rare cards
- 7 Fields
- 12 Ultra Rares
- 6 Mythiques
- 1 Terrain
- 2 Ultra Rare and/or Mythic Random cards
- 1 Mythic
• 1 Field Alternative Random card (10% chance Foil and 1% Grade S)
• 2 Ultra Rare Alternative Random cards (10% chance Foil and 1% Grade S)
• 1 Mythique Alternative Random card (10% chance Foil and 1% Grade S)
• 1 Random Exclusive CHAKA card (random between Standard and Alternative version within 10% chance Foil and 1% Grade S)
Price with GOLDEN CHAKA ticket: 17,250 Prana
Public price: NOT AVAILABLE for purchase without a CHAKA GOLDEN Presale Ticket.Pack Content :
- 41 Common to Rare cards
- 8 Fields
- 12 Ultra Rares
- 7 Mythics
- 2 Ultra Rare and/or Mythic Random cards
• 1 Field Alternative FOIL Random card (1% Garde S)
• 2 Ultra Rare Alternative FOIL Random cards (1% Garde S)
• 1 Mythic Alternative FOIL Random card (1% Grade S)
• 1 Random Exclusive GREEK FOIL card (random between Standard and Alternative version and 1% Grade S)
• 1 Random Exclusive VORANTH FOIL card (random between Standard and Alternative version and 1% Grade S)
• 1 Random Exclusive CHAKA FOIL card (random between Standard and Alternative version and 1% Grade S)
As all in-game exclusives cards, crafting is not available. You have a one-in-four chance of getting the alternative version (between grade C and S) and 10% chance getting the foil version in both cases.
Inside one of the packs there is a Unique Mantris season card
Airdrop of the Unique Arkhante season card during the summer for one of the 5 Golden Legacy packs randomly.
The Unique Mantris card reserved for Golden Legacy will arrive later in the year after the release of the season.
Airdrop of Prana for GOLDEN and GOLDEN LEGACY will happen during the week following the launch of the Mantris season.
We will bring you more content for this part, but please be assured that you will still be able to play your Arkhante cards on the board against Mantris cards. We have noticed some concerns in the community about this, which is why we want to reassure you.
The TechStyles will indeed encounter the Arkhomes on the game board.The TechStyles will integrate directly into the heptagram, overlapping it.
• Meditech
• Robot
• Chaos
• Mantrix
• Cyber
• Order
• Genetic